Kariuki News

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Developing Property

News from the kariukis
November 2010


We love the change of seasons and one of our favorites in the Northern Hemisphere is fall: the colorf
ul leaves, the harvest, fresh apple cider and the crisp sunny days. It's been harvest season here in Chad as well, we've been enjoying fresh maize and pumpkins from the garden, and we're watching the bananas and papayas in the garden get bigger and bigger. We're thankful for a plentiful harvest, in physical as well as the spiritual. The seasons in nature are, as so many things, yet another picture of the way God works – things look different, yet He is still working in countless ways to accomplish his purposes.

As a family, we've been sensing for some time that a different season is coming for us. With the new challenge of buying and developing a property for the training and ministry center of YWAM, this coming year Moses will be traveling quite a lot, sharing the vision, mobilizing people and raising funds for the project. With this in mind, we will be in the US for a season,
and will be traveling in January. Although Moses will still be spending some time in Chad, we plan to be based in Pennsylvania for 12-18 months before moving back to Chad to be involved hands on with the development of the land we are purchasing as a mission.

We'd appreciate your prayers as we prepare for this time.... Obviously the practical things like airfare, affordable housing (and vehicles) for us during our stay in the US – but much more importantly that this time will be one of fruitfulness for the work that the Lord is doing here in Chad, and in and through us as a family.

If you want to know more about our specific needs for this time, please contact us via email or FaceBook.

“Look, Daddy,” Zachary proudly showed off his artwork, “I designed a YWAM base... here's the houses, and here we'll have a garden, and here's the classrooms...” Creativity has been running high in this house, and even the children are catching the vision. We (YWAM Chad) been offered a piece of land just outside of town for purchase and are eagerly looking at possibilities and praying for this vision tocome to pass. (see Link for all the details)

Recently our staff held a 3 day seminar for teachers, including topics like, Hearing Gods voice, Seeing your Vocation as Calling, Biblical Paradigms vs Worldly Paradigms on Education, Molding the next Generation, and Discipleship of a Nation. “Is my job as a school teacher simply a job – or is it a calling?” Please pray for the teachers who attended that they carry out their vocation with excellence, and use their position to impact the next generation to the glory of God.

It's a joy to have Tyler Stoltzfus, a volunteer from GCC PA, here with us for 2 months. Tyler has come to learn more about missions, and help out in any way he can. He's already working on learning French and making lots of new friends. Please pray for this to be a fruitful time in his life as he serves here. It’s great to see youth from our home area take up the challenge in faith and stepping out.

Our colleague Margaret is doing a wonderful job leading the School of Biblical Studies, with four students from Chad and South Korea. Pray for her as she ‘cuts her teeth’ as a school leader especially as she just recently lost her Dad to cancer and is still dealing with that.

We know many are facing very difficult times financially, and we don’t take for granted the financial support that we receive. Like many others, we’ve had to adjust and tighten our budget, but God continues to be faithful. Let’s all hang in there in faith and trust God for greater things even in these difficult times.

Ideologies cannot be changed without a heart and mind change, which will happen through the Gospel being lived out and applied – in all the world. A recent BBC article quoted military strategists acknowledging that the war against violent fundamentalism will not be won by force. Our prayer is that God will continue to raise up a mighty army to go and sacrificially live out HIS kingdom. Pray with us for the harvest that is ripe, and will spoil if there are not enough laborers in the field.

Family News: O
ur kids continue to grow up so fast. It’s a joy to see them fall in love with God, grow in his ways, and believe Him for great things. The boys and Jo continue in home school, and have been studying the middle ages in History, which has been a very popular subject. We’ve lots of re-enactments of battles with Lego castles, noble knights and princesses in distress needing to be rescued. J Josh is showing more and more initiative in doing his assignments independently, and Zachary is very proud to be reading his own books – all by himself. Marianna is very eager to “do school” also and spends a lot of time practicing her letters. Our “baby” Katelyn just turned three, and can’t quite decide if she is a “grown-up” or Mama’s baby. J We were glad that Moses was able to go to Kenya for a few weeks in August to spend time with family and friends there.

Until all have heard,

Moses and Jo
Joshua, Zachary, Marianna & Katelyn

Financial support can be sent to:
IN KENYA: Moses N. Kariuki, A/C No. 5108023009, Commercial Bank of Africa, Standard & Wabera Streets, PO Box 30437, Nairobi, SWIFT: CBAFKENX
IN USA: YWAM, PO Box YWAM, Cimarron, CO 81220. Checks should be payable to YWAM, with a separate note saying it is support for the Kariukis.

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