the love of God,” a DTS student told us recently, after Moses taught on the character and nature of God, and his Father Heart. “I was always looking in other places to experience love.”
One of the goals of the Discipleship Training School is to help Christians walk deeper with God; To know God, and to make Him known. It’s so exciting to be part of this happening. The Discipleship Training School began in February, and we’re thrilled to finally be holding a course out at our own YWAM property!
Buildings are going up and we are in awe of how God is at work.
Building update: At the time of writing, two dormitories are nearing completion, and we have a temporary thatch structure we are using for a classroom and dining room. We are so thankful and humbled to see how the Lord has brought people together, to make this happen. Our staff have been working so hard, local church members and YWAM associates have sacrificially given of their time and energy to make this a reality. We hope to be able to put up a permanent dining hall/classroom in the near future.
Frequent Flying: Moses had opportunities to teach in South Sudan, Kenya and in South Africa in December and January. We are so glad he was able to make these trips to invest in the lives of men and women of God;
- In Kenya he preached in our home-church in FPFK Eastleigh and encouraged the body that has been terrorized in the area with attacks on churches, public transport & places. Pray for Kenya please...
- South Sudan was a joyful reunion with a former student Paremmi & his wife a former staff member Nathalie. They have pioneered a YWAM base in Marakal where Moses taught Worldview to a DTS & are involved in Community projects & churches.
- Muizenberg Biblical studies school had Moses come teach the book of Revelation. They have rented a building off-base since the school was larger than they could fit in any base classroom.
Moses will be in the US from March 26th to April 15th, networking and attending a missions conference. If you’re in PA, and you’d like to see him, just email!
Family Time: It was so good to be able to travel to Kenya for a few weeks over the holidays. It was precious to spend time with the Kariuki family again. At the coast, we were able to visit Shimba Hills as a family, where Jo first experienced life in Africa, and Moses went with outreach teams in the early 90’s. Sweet memories!
The kids are doing well in home school; a recent project was identifying and researching all the wild animals we saw in Kenya. Josh (10) is growing taller and taller and enjoys reading and making things. Zachary (9) loves pets, (although sometimes his affection is not so well received!) climbing trees, and whistling around the house. Marianna (7) is growing in her creative abilities, learning some simple embroidery and making mud pies. :-) Katelyn (5) has taken off reading, has a vivid imagination and loves to be the center of attention.
Elin continues to be a huge blessing to us all, as she does homeschool together with Jo, helps out around the house, and spoils us with her baking. We are blessed to have her as part of the family for this season.
We are thankful for all of you who make it possible by sacrificing your time to pray, & your finances to advance the work. Jointly fitted together we are accomplishing the commission step by step.
Praise & Prayer Points.
After successfully buying our 6.55 Hectares of land, we were able to raise US$18000 of the US$25000 we need for Preliminary Dorms. Praise the Lord because walls are up, Roofing is on and Doors and windows are hung on one building and in the process of being hung on the second one. Then as funds come in we will do the wiring, plastering, painting and roofed verandahs (Deck-like). To finish the Pre-phase we need to see another $50000 come in for; a Meeting pavilion, another 8 Room dorm & a Bore-Hole. 1Th 5:24 He is faithful who calls us and will also do it. Join us in Prayer!
Our vehicle (4Runner) continues to be a challenge and we find ourselves without transport most of the times. Pray we find the necessary parts or a new vehicle all together ;)
Prayers & Love, Kariuki Family
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