The harvest season is beginning here in Chad. What does harvest mean to you? The Apostle Paul said, in 1 Cor. 3:7,
“It’s not the one who plants or the one who waters who is at the center of this process, but God, who makes things grow.” (The Message)
It’s wonderful to enjoy the physical fruit of our (and many others’) labor this time of year, but we are even more thankful to see the growth and fruit of the seeds we have planted in ministry here in Chad. God is faithful.

We’ve had a lot of opportunity to sow seeds lately. Moses has had invitations to teach and preach in local churches on a weekly basis. Our Discipleship Training School graduated in June, and Moses just completed a short seminar on faith and finances, with good attendance from several local churches.
Work has continued with our fourth building at the training center. We bless Herve, who worked very hard in the operations department and is now taking a break for 'tent making' to meet some urgent needs of his family. It’s so good to see the progress and pray for finishing touches that are needed. ‘Village des Nations’ is becoming just that – a little village where many are being trained and sent out.

Family Transition – a move to Kenya, but Chad hasn’t seen the last of us yet! As we have mentioned in our last newsletter, we have been considering a move in order to put the children in school. We feel like the Lord is leading us to be based in Kenya for now, and plan to move the end of the year. Chad is still in our hearts, and will continue to be a priority for us, and Moses will travel and serve as needed

Transitions are always tricky times… We are looking forward to our move, but Jo & Kids will also dearly miss our home, friends and Chadian family here especially when Moses travels back and forth. We are excited about getting the kids in school, but will miss the flexibility that 'home school' has given us. Grieving and anticipation, loss and expectation, excitement at what God has in store, all mingle together to make a bittersweet time of our last few months living here.
Pray with us
Pray for Chad - We continue to pray for peace and security in our region. In June and July, our capital city of N’Djamena was hit several times by suicide bombers. Pray that those who are bent on destruction will be stopped, and for those who lost loved ones or who were injured in the attacks.

Pray for our family - as we plan, process, pack, say our ‘see-you-later’s, travel, and adjust. Pray also for provision – as we look for a home to rent and vehicle, and get settled in Kenya. Pray especially that the transition to Kenyan schools will go smoothly for the children and that they will thrive
Pray for our team here, that as they continue to serve, they will be greatly used by the Lord and see Him in new ways in their lives and ministry. That God will call more laborers into this harvest fields.
Until all have heard,
Moses & Jo, Josh, Zack, Marianna & Katelyn Kariuki
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