Kariuki News

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Wednesday, June 19, 2002


News from Moses & JoAnna Kariuki

Serving with Youth With A Mission June 2002


“All I needed was a hug,” the man told me through his tears. I (Moses) was at a cookout when one of our new friends in West Virginia broke down, overcome with grief over the recent deaths of his parents and now the disaster he and his community were facing once again. Many times all God asks of us is to give a hug, a listening ear, and a helping hand to show others his love. Our prayer is that we might always be available to be his hands in a hurting world.

Disaster Struck

Not long after our arrival in West Virginia, for the practical phase of the course in Community Development, we were faced with the implications of what we had been studying about God’s intentions for communities, and the hard work of being a part of that. In early May, a severe storm hit the region, with major flooding as a result. The floodwaters washed away many homes, and damaged many more. Four to seven feet of water come through some towns, carrying trees & rocks. Several people were killed. The floods have been devastating to poor communities already struggling to recover from the “100-year flood” of July last year.

Ministering Mercy & Relief

Moses and the rest of the YWAM team were able to share the love of God in very practical ways. Praying with those who were mourning, distribution of clean water and food, strengthening creek walls and flood cleanup - helping clean out 3-4 feet of silt & mud from people’s basements. While Jo was not been able to be as active in the outreach as she would like, due to doctor’s orders for lots of rest, she enjoyed getting to know some of the local people, and serving the team in practical ways. We are grateful to have had this opportunity to continue our learning in how to effectively reach communities, as well as to serve in a needy area of the US. It has been a privilege to be a small part of what God is doing there.

McDowell County: Those of you who have watched the movie “October Sky” about the rocket boys of McDowell County know that it used to be a busy coal mining area. The mines are still operational, but since the 50’s have been mechanized, leaving 90% of the people jobless and dependent on welfare. In an area where the company used to own everything, there is not much economic activity outside the mines. Challenging? Yes, but no situation is hopeless with God at work!

Joy amidst pain… On weekends the mountain people meet at the “Little Opry,” say a prayer and then have four hours of bluegrass music and flat foot dancing. Their sense of humor, friendliness and perseverance challenged us greatly.

Back To Africa

In June, Moses has been invited to teach Deuteronomy in the School of Biblical Studies Core Course in YWAM Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Please pray that this will be a time of equipping and encouraging the students and YWAM staff in Zimbabwe. After the recent turmoil surrounding the presidential elections, the people of Zimbabwe are going through an extremely difficult time. In many areas the basic foodstuffs are not readily available, and unemployment is very high. The students attending the course have made great sacrifices in order to receive further training in the Word. Pray with us that the Lord would honor their hunger for him, meet their needs, and that they would be equipped to bring Godly change to their nation.

African Family & YWAM Family

Moses will also have a brief stopover in Kenya, spending a few days with family there. He will also participate in a regional conference for YWAM staff working in North Africa. This will be a key time of networking with others in the region, building relationships, and sharing the vision God has given us for the people of Chad.

A New Addition!

We are eagerly anticipating an addition to our family in July. Please pray with us that Jo and the baby would continue to do well, and that there would be no complications in her pregnancy, or the delivery.

Thank you….

In preparation for Chad, our time in the Community Development school in Montana and practical phase in West Virginia was a wonderful time of learning, growing, and being equipped. Thank you to all of you who have been a part of this time of training, through your prayers and financial support. As we look forward to going back to Africa later this year, one truth that has been emphasized to us is that the church is God’s agent for changing communities. This has affirmed our call to work with the local churches in Chad.

Prayer Corner

  • · Praise the Lord with us for safe travels - from Montana to Tennessee, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania.
  • · Please pray with us for the people of West Virginia who have lost homes, friends and family; and for those working in flood recovery and cleanup.
  • · Pray also for the people of Kenya who have been hit with severe floods.
  • · Pray for safe travel for Moses in June, and a fruitful time in Kenya, Zimbabwe and Spain.
  • · Pray for the Lord's continued protection over Jo and the baby, and the healthy arrival of our little one.

Yours in Him,

Moses & Jo Kariuki, 756 Bellevue Ave. Gap, Pa 17527

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