2014 so far has been a year
defined by relationships;
Strengthening relationships with our colleagues in the region thru
their visit in January, Being
blessed by our friends from the US who came to serve, Our home church here in Sarh welcoming and
taking care of our family and friends as they would their own, Enjoying times as YWAM staff and students
– in ministry and fellowship.
Bittersweet “see you soons” as visitors went back home, and Elin
returned to the US after truly being part of our family and serving nonstop
for the last year and a half. We
are so grateful for the international, multicultural, diversely gifted
family of God, and have experienced again how different parts of the body
are a blessing and benefit to the each other, when we bring our gifts
together for His Glory. Please
continue to pray for us for protection over our relationships as we are in
an area with strife and rebellion (CAR, Nigeria, S. Sudan,) that we as
believers and as a team would be an example of God-pleasing relationships
and unity.
News from the Kariuki
April 2014 - Serving with YWAM in
Sarh, Chad
In January we hosted a team of four
from our YWAM regional office. Since
Chad is a difficult location to travel to or from, and many of our staff have
been unable to participate in regional events, we especially cherished this
time together. The team was able to
spend time at our training center, visit staff in their homes, and visit
churches we have planted.
February was jam-packed full of
laughter, hard work and conversations/ catching up. A team of 14 from churches in PA were with
us for ten days here in Sarh. The team
had a busy but productive time
– They installed ceilings on all of our dorm
rooms, showed the Jesus Film in our local community, and hosted a youth
meeting, in addition to spending lots of time hanging out with our staff and
students, getting to know each other despite language and cultural
barriers. We greatly appreciate the way
that they joyfully served us and got a taste of missions. It was a special treat to have Jo’s Mom, Aunt
Carol and cousin Lisa here during this time as well.
Building update: It is so exciting to see God provide for each step of the way in the construction of the campus. Presently our dining hall / kitchen is roofed and work is being done in preparation for cementing the floors and plastering the interior walls. The dorm rooms look great with their new ceilings, and a small room to house the generator for the base is almost completed! Looking forward to holding classes and seminars in our new building!!
plans: We will be spending most of
June, July and August in the US. We look
forward to seeing friends and family there during this time, and having a bit
of a break from our responsibilities and routine here. We are currently still looking for a place to
stay in PA, during this time, specifically from June 1-17, and July 10-Sept.
2. Email us if you have ideas. Please also pray with us for provision of our
tickets. Thank you.
you, ELIN!
Elin blogged her experiences on "Living A Dream" |
Josh, Zack, Marianna & Katelyn
If you
would like to give towards our expenses as a family, and Moses’ ministry
trips, you can send a check to Youth With A Mission, PO Box YWAM, Cimarron,
CO 81220. Checks should be payable
to YWAM and have a separate note saying it is support for the Kariuki
family (do not put our name on the check.)
You can also give online at www.ywamcimarron.org (click on e-giving and designate it to Moses & Jo Kariuki.) IN
KENYA: Moses N. Kariuki, A/C No. 5108023009, Commercial Bank of Africa,
Standard & Wabera Streets, PO Box 30437, Nairobi, SWIFT: CBAFKENX
**If you would like to give to our YWAM Capmus
building project, please email us at
mosesnjo(at)gmail.com and we’ll send you details.**
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