Kariuki News

Where you can catch up with our life and ministry and get info on how to plug in through prayers and partnership

Tuesday, January 19, 1999

Let your light shine


In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.

Mat 5.16 (NRSV)

Jesus tells us we are the light of the world, the salt of the earth. He instructs us to let the light that we are be seen by others. Our light is not just in what we say, but what we do. We must act in such ways as to reveal our God, His love, purity and righteousness. It is our actions that define Him to the unbelieving world. What good is a light that stays in lighted places? Jesus tells us to go to the dark world, to the poor, the fatherless, the widows and the unlovely and unlovable. And as we do, our Father will be revealed and honor given Him. But be warned. As we act out the light within us, there will be resistance, there will be persecution. Ask yourself today, am I living out the Spirit in me so others may Know #Jesus?


ear Friends,

Moving from place to place entailed enough miracles to fill a volume;

Blessed beginnings in this new year!

For those of you to whom it feels old already, I wish you Jesus who makes the difference.

I apologize for not being very consistent in my newsletter writing. My heart is to keep you informed since you are very dear to me. I thank God who has brought you into my life. You are a blessing to me.



The year 1998 was a great learning time for me in many ways; It started with me having to get back to Kenya to renew my visa. God was gracious and by Mid March I was back in Lausanne Switzerland working on the ‘School of Biblical Studies Core Course’ (SBS CC) that ran till June. Come July and I became a student at the same Lausanne Campus studying Communications and the Biblical View of Man’ (CBVM). End of September and I headed to Kenya en route S.Africa where I was to study some more on a ‘Leadership Training School’ (LTS). Moving from place to place entailed enough miracles to fill a volume; Visas, Tickets, Half Way Houses etc. In both this schools I was able to process my vision as I wrote a research paper on an Unreached people group (“The Bagirmi People of Tchad”) and a project on “Transforming Nations through Gods Word”.

The beauty in the whole affair was her strong faith in God. She kept saying she is going to be with Jesus


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After spending a very quality time with my family over Xmas and New Year; my youngest Sister who graciously waited on me while I was suffering from fatigue went to be with the Lord. It happened so fast that it left us in a daze. I left on Monday the 4th to speak to a YWAM Community meeting and she served me breakfast. I came back in the evening to find her resting since she felt weary and cold. That night became a troubled night for her and we woke up to pray at night. On Tuesday morning she became critical and as we prepared to take her to the hospital she passed away.

The beauty in the whole affair was her strong faith in God. She kept saying she is going to be with Jesus and she needed to be released. She especially reminded my Mum that she was born again and had nothing to fear since she knew where she was going.

As a family we have known Gods presence in all this in a very tangible way. Numerous condolences messages came from friends. I was particularly touched by one that declared her life a seed for the Kingdom of God as several people gave their lives to Jesus in our evening meetings of thanks-giving and funeral preparations


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Your prayers, and financial support has blessed many Nations

Martin Luther, Calvin, The Moravians, John Wesley and Others saw it happen as they gave themselves during their generation. I totaly believe that we can see Africa Reformed by Gods Word in our Generation

I have already started working on the above mentioned project by recruiting Staff and Students for an SBS CC. This is my major tool in this two year project that will cover Kenya, S.Africa, Madagascar, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda. I pray to see a hundred people trained in Biblical Studies with an aim to discovering Gods principles for every sphere of life.

This principles will be used to transform the Nations especially in the needy 3rd world. This will in turn release the vibrant church in the 3rd world to send missionaries into the Developed world. Time in Switzerland exposed me to the History of the Reformation in a more vivid way as I saw the Geographical Genesis of where it all began. If God did it then and Transformed the old world through a Scriptural foundation, He can do it again with the new world. This will require people to devote themselves to studying and performing Gods word. Martin Luther, Calvin, The Moravians, John Wesley and Others saw it happen as they gave themselves during their generation. I totally believe that we can see Africa Reformed by Gods Word in our Generation. Just as they applied Godly principles to abolish; child labor, slavery, injustice in industries etc. So can we. As people got Spiritual reformation, it was followed by prosperity through industrial, economic and health revolution. Poverty was broken and rapid development took place. There is HOPE for Africa!


rayer Requests

  • · Please pray that God will grant my family grace as we deal with my sisters demise.
  • · Pray that the School we are preparing will really be used of God to initiate life change that will be transformational.
  • · That all our Students and Staff will be able to get here; visas, finances etc.
  • · International mix; ‘Nations’
  • · Personally I need; Wisdom, Anointing, Finances, Team unity,
  • · & Favor amongst Nations.



Your investment in Gods work through me is highly appreciated. Your prayers, and financial support has blessed many Nations.

It is my prayer that you will be repaid a hundred fold in this life and in life to come!

Your Co-laborer in Christ,

Moses Kariuki

Bank Details:

Moses N.Kariuki

A/C No:


Nyerere Road

P.O.Box 30262

Nairobi, Kenya.

Telex: 22262

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